*Brushes the dust off the blog* – Issac Asimov’s Foundation

*coughs and waves dust away* Well hello everyone, it’s been awhile. Been a bit tied up due to school but I am back and in full swing here.

I have been holding off on talking about Asimov’s Foundation novel because I had school taking up my time, but now I can talk about it, which will allow me to finish Foundation and Empire after all this time! *fan-fare*

Lets get going shall we? Spoilers warning, as I am summarizing.

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A boatload ton of new books!

Well it’s been awhile, and during these past few weeks I have been buying books, a lot of books. So instead of explaining as to why I bought them, I’m just going to list them here to let you guys see them. Each book blurb is taken from goodreads.

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